Introducing Microbiology Standards
ISO accredited microbiological Certified Reference Materials. Validated and traceable cultures are no more than two passages from the primary reference culture ensuring genetic traceability to the primary cell line.
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Is salmonella one of your targets?
We now offer 2-color Salmonella qPCR detection kits to rapidly and accurately determine the presence of Salmonella DNA in your sample. The sensitivity of the kit allows you to detect down to 50 copies of Salmonella and is available at 250 reactions.
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Proficiency Testing Program
NSI Lab Solutions, in collaboration with USP, is pleased to announce the availability of our Proficiency Testing Program.
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Introducing Our High Abundance Terpene Mix
Our new terpene standard mix contains the most abundant terpenes found in cannabis products at our highest level of concentration (5,000 ppm).
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Are you looking for perfect peaks?
We can get you those perfect peaks with our Mobile Phase Modifiers for HPLC and LC/MS for error-free results.
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How low can you go? Take the guesswork out of making your trace analytical standards.
Large dilution factors can cause errors, forcing you to make a new batch of standards. Why not choose a lower-level CRM you can trust to make your analysis easier? Choose Spex 10 ppm standards for easier dilutions and less error right from the start.
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