
Microbe Cocktail CRM with Mold, pack of 20
by NSI Lab Solutions

Microbe Cocktail CRM with Mold, Multiplex Controls for Petrifilm®, pack of 20


PART #: FM-700-20

Available: In Stock

Product Information

Part # :FM-700-20

Units/Pack :20

Expiration : 18 months from manuf.

Storage Condition :Freezer (-10° to -20° C)

Hazardous Info :

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• Compatible with 3M plates
• Easy to use
With this CRM, you can QA 6 indicator test parameters; APC, Total coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, S. aureus and Yeast, with a single lyophilized sample. Economical: cost of  each use is $1.83 per parameter. Easy: after initial hydration no further dilution needed.  This multiple organism blended CRM is designed for use with Petrifilm, other re-hydratable film methods or BAM methods. Stores at -10°C to -20°C. Supplied as a package of 10 or 20 individual sample pellets.

Component Concentration Matrix CAS#
SDS-update icon

Safety Data Sheet

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